Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Amazing use of skydrive and PPT for online teaching

It is very common that when we try to learn something from web , we mostly visit google with relevant search or youtube to get some more moving/realistic picture with sound so that learning becomes more understandable & interesting. 

Generally Tutors give online lessons on any topic with the help PPTs or notepad & running camstudio (most popularly used for desktop screen video) at background to capture video on screen plus sound. Then they optimize/compress that captured video so that they can be uploaded to youtube fast & also can be viewed by users without much buffering.So you can observe the amount of time & work goes into this.

Today , i will share some awesome stuff that teachers or any tutor can use to deliver online videos without much work and also of  less memory size .

Online teaching with the help of skydrive + PPTs

Follow these steps :
  1. Make a ppt on your desktop , adding any number of slides.
  2. Then add your pre existing sound recording or you can record slide wise sound from this button ( Record Narration ) as shown in the picture.

( 3 ) Now upload this PPT in skydrive , i already posted this part before.

( 4 ) Now you can embed ppt on your website or blog. And it is ready to show slides along with your sound

Note : For now skydrive only supports the size of sound recording per slide less than 30-40kb. In future we can hope for more size.