Saturday, 31 August 2013

Turn your Google Chrome Browser into an amazing notification bar

You can now turn your chrome browser into an amazing notification bar by just installing this extension ( Knew Tab ) from chrome store .

Making your browser a notepad

Using HTML5 , you can turn your browser into a notepad by just writing a single line of code in your browser url textbox. Type in data:text/html, <html contenteditable> & your browser will turn into a simple notepad.

Embed presentations on your website or blog using skydrive

You can now embed presentations on websites by uploading PPT created from desktop client & upload it to skydrive.

Create amazing magazines on web using Flipboard

Flipboard is a ios , android app for reading latest articles/content collected from various websites & blogs in the most beautiful form.You will definitely enjoy & love the way content is presented on this app . Along with contents you can also sync your other accounts like twitter , facebook , instagram etc.

Friday, 30 August 2013

Code right in your browser using skydrive

You can now code directly in your browser using cloud service skydrive. You just need to upload file with extension like .css , .js , .html and upload that file on skydrive .

Firefox OS simulator on your browser

Firefox OS is going to be released around 2014 , but you can play with its UI using this Firefox OS Simulator add on on your browser itself . Also can check for features & other things on this website Firefox OS. If you are excited about this platform & want to publish apps on there marketplace , start brushing your skills on HTML5 , CSS , Javascript , Jquery.

Use this app to save your links for later reading

Two months back i found this app (Pocket) for mobile which syncs all links (html pages) across devices to read it later .

Browser Shortcut for email writing

Sometimes when you are multitasking between browser , mail client (outlook) & other softwares , so switching between them consumes time when you need to write emails more frequently.
So , you can try this trick to write mail right from your browser. m busy right now, will let u know 

& great benefit is that browser will save this mailto url , so you can select frequently sent/used mails.